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Derek Jeter was not better than Barry Larkin

Yesterday I saw a tweet thread from Internet Prince @KenTremendous that kinda caught me on my backfoot.

I'll get killed for this, but the truth is, Jeter was a very good hitter, and a good-not-great defensive SS, whose career was buttressed by being surrounded by better players. He's a borderline Hall of Famer. He'll probably get in, but he shouldn't. At least not first ballot.

— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) November 18, 2019

To be quite honest, I read this with a completely straight face and nodded in agreement. Then this really smart guy sucker-punched me in the breadbasket with this one here:

And as always I'm obviously kidding, he's a first-ballot HOF, probably the greatest SS ever, for God's sake @craigcalcaterra and @richeisen don't you know me by now?