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Cincinnati Reds trade target - Philadelphia Phillies P Vince Velasquez

It’s hard to have reached this point in the Cincinnati Reds offseason without getting a bit skeptical of their 2021 intentions. They lost their ace, Trevor Bauer, to free agency after his Cy Young Award win, while also seeing rotation stalwart Anthony DeSclafani walk, too. Further cost-cutting measures ensued, with the likes of Archie Bradley getting non-tendered while closer Raisel Iglesias was moved in an effective salary dump of a trade.

Despite swinging big in free agency just one year ago, all signs now point to the Reds cutting payroll this winter. They’re far from alone in that endeavor after the low-revenue shortened season in 2020, but it’s nevertheless a large pivot from the win-now emphasis pushed by the franchise such a short time ago.