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Championship Track: Plowing Ahead

Bear with me, kids. The school year is coming to a close an my eyes are about to bleed from the grading. Fortunately, I have a thermos full of student tears to sustain me, but my brain is just about melted, so this might be a little brief and/or wacky.

By the time people read this, the Reds will either be 6-4 or 7-3 over their last 10 games. It hasn’t been a bad week to be a Reds fan. Cool. So, I did what I do and ran a poll to see what everyone thinks is gonna be up for the rest of the year

For the rest of the season, the Reds will play baseball

— Redleg Nation (@redlegnation) May 16, 2018

So, you folks seemed to think the Reds would most likely be okay but also have a strong chance of being bad.