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Articles we might write if this lockout lasts much longer

For the second time in the last three seasons, we’re stuck between a baseball and a hard place. There is no baseball. There is no baseball in sight, on the horizon, on the cusp, in the crosshairs, nada.

Last time things screeched to a halt, it was due mostly to the pandemic raging across the country. Of course, there were still petty disputes between the have-plenties and have-littles, and the end result was a swath of greed from the owners that pushed the 2020 season into a tiny, 60-game sized box. In the process, the priorities (nee, priority) of Fred Manrob and his squad of giblets became oh-so evident - he’s in charge of putting the most money in the pockets of the 30 MLB ownership groups as possible, product and history and every single thing else be damned.