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An incomplete list of baseball names you can sing to Van Halen’s “Panama”

Related Topics: Panama, Van Halen, Eddie Van Halen

The world of Rock & Roll lost a titan earlier this month when Eddie Van Halen passed away. The guitar virtuoso was part maestro, part illuminator, pushing the genre forward in ways few had ever even begun to conjure.

Fuck cancer. Eddie was 65.

I have zero musical talent, and can give no audio homage to Eddie’s greatness. What I can do, in a very minuscule way, is do my bit part in keeping their music alive and rockin’, something I’m sure it will easily do whether I try or not.

Anyhoo, few jams get my skin crawling and my fist pumping like Panama, and in honor of that jam, here is an incomplete list of name you can sing to Van Halen’s Panama.