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Stanley Morgan Jr. fined for hit vs. Texans

A hit in the Cincinnati Bengals vs. Houston Texans game led to a suspension of linebacker Denzel Perryman, and apparently, the NFL wasn’t done.

On Saturday, it was announced that Bengals wide receiver Stanley Morgan Jr. was fined $43,709 for a special teams hit in the contest.

Bengals’ Stanley Morgan was fined $43,709 for this hit on special teams. He was flagged, but fined $1 less than Derwin James — who had the largest fine of the week.

— Arye Pulli (@AryePulli) November 18, 2023

Couple the fact that the returner was headed out of bounds with the fact that Morgan appears to lower his head and lead with the crown of his helmet, and this play, unfortunately, has “fine” written all over it.