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Ryan Shazier walks unassisted across field at Pittsburgh Steelers' practice

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Ryan Shazier's uplifting recovery from a spinal injury he suffered last December in Cincinnati against the Bengals continues, and he shared video late Friday night on Twitter of his unassisted walk across the field during the team's practice.

Shazier has attended several recent Steelers training camp practices at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., but was using a cane until last week to get around.

In April, Shazier walked across the stage with his fiancée to the podium in Dallas to announce the Steelers' first-round NFL Draft pick.

Shazier won't play in 2018, Steelers general manager Kevin Colbert said in February, shortly after Shazier clarified a report via Twitter from ESPN's Adam Schefter that Shazier had regained movement in his legs and walked on his own.