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Guest Morning Line: Madness abounds, and not just in hoops

Guest Hemingway

To paraphrase a cliché often heard on radio shows …

“Long-time reader, first-time writer.”

That’s me today, a first-time Guest Hemingway for the esteemed P-Doc and his baby known as TML. I’ve long lingered in the Three-Dot Lounge – as he has tagged it in the past – reading the daily treatises on the world of sports, brew, cigars, music, thin wallets and more from him and other Guest Hemingway's.

So, I’m quite familiar with how rowdy this virtual sports bar can get some days, and up until today I’ve been like that non-descript fella who sits alone at the table in any bar in this great nation – keeping my mouth shut, eyes open and drinking my Rheingeist Truth.