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AJ McCarron’s RFA vs UFA decision to be decided by arbitration February 15

Related Topics: February 15, Free agent, AJ McCarron

The future of Bengals quarterback AJ McCarron remains in question, but we now know when McCarron will bring his free agency case to arbitration.

McCarron says his case will be heard by an NFL arbitrator on Thursday, February 15, 2018.

McCarron is arguing that he should be an unrestricted free agent (UFA) in 2018 while the Bengals believe by NFL rule he should be a restricted free agent (RFA). An RFA is any veteran player with three accrued seasons, but with less than four, at the conclusion of the player's rookie contract. Unrestricted free agents (drafted players—typically—who stay with the team that drafted them for four years) enter free agency with four years of NFL experience.