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The all-Chicago World Series: How the ‘Hitless Wonders’ pulled off the upset as the Spuds (Cubs) and the White Stockings (White Sox) reached the Fall Classic in 1906

“'Chicago day' will be celebrated this afternoon by the most historic event that has occurred on Oct. 9 since the year 1871. Today is the date set for the beginning of the greatest struggle in baseball’s history, the series for the world’s championship between two of the grandest ball clubs ever in knickerbockers, both belonging to Chicago.

In the fall of 1906, the Cubs and the White Sox were in the World Series — both for the first time. It would be the last Series meeting between teams from the same city until the Yankees and Giants, then both playing in the Polo Grounds in New York, met in 1921 for the first of three consecutive Fall Classics.