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Rainy (Opening) Day notes: White Sox say Carlos Rodon recovery process could take six weeks

CHICAGO — An outbreak of steady rain sent White Sox players fleeing for the dugout Monday morning, canceled batting practice, and gave Roger Bossard & Co. their first tarp rollout of the season. The game is still apparently moving forward until word comes down that it is not, but rain pushed back the start time and the Opening Day ceremonies. The off day on Tuesday, and the fact that neither club is particularly enthused about wasting a Jose Quintana or Justin Verlander start, looms over the decision to shove this one through in spite of likely difficulties.

He’s not with the team at the moment, but the health of Carlos Rodon, whom general manager Rick Hahn identified as a potential part of the next championship White Sox team along with Tim Anderson, is as vital to this season as anything happening Monday.