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If Nancy Faust doesn’t deserve a statue, nobody does

Related Topics: Tommy John, Statue, Nancy Faust

Give the woman a statue.

Nancy Faust is getting inducted into something called the Shrine of the Eternals at the Baseball Reliquary. Let’s break down this for a moment. “Shrine of Eternals” is pretty self-explanatory. I had to look up reliquary, though; it means “a container for holy relics.” So, basically, this honor recognizes the most awesome of all awesome baseball things. Officially, it’s a hall of fame for off-field contributions to baseball. (Tommy John, or maybe just his elbow, is getting inducted, too.)

The Reliquary folks call Nancy Faust, who retired as the White Sox organist in 2010 after 40 years, “without question, the most famous ballpark organist of the past half-century.