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Challenger dubbed ‘sore loser’ for seeking to stop Hairston swearing-in

Just three days before a new City Council is scheduled to be sworn in, challenger William Calloway filed a legal Hail Mary Pass on Friday designed to stop Ald. Leslie Hairston from beginning her sixth term in the South Side’s 5th Ward.

Calloway’s lawyer says it’s about the “integrity” of the election.

But Hairston’s campaign says the community activist is starting to sound like a “sore loser.’

The unsuccessful April runoff challenger is seeking a temporary restraining order against the veteran alderman to keep her from being sworn in.

Calloway argues that some precincts are missing a mandatory form that would certify their results, and 15 precincts are missing printed results, the election results have no integrity and allowing Hairston to assume office would cause “irreparable harm to [Calloway].