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Paunovic runs high energy training session at Media Day

Related Topics: Eric Gehrig

New Chicago Fire coach Veljko Paunovic showed off his energetic, hands-on training style at the first day of preseason Monday at the PrivateBank Fire Pitch.

Rookie Alex Morrell received a pass along the sideline before passing it backward to maintain possession for his team in the drill.

New coach Veljko Paunovic watched the sequence as he stood along the same sideline. He noticed something. Nothing seemingly major, but a small detail that could help the young midfielder from University of North Florida if he found himself in the frenetic pace of real-game action.

The action came to a stop and as the rest of the team went to the center of the pitch for a water break and to prepare for the next drill, Paunovic pulled the rookie aside and demonstrated how to improve what just happened.