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Zobrist unveils a new cereal in the Cubs’ ‘breakfast of champions’ line

In this post-World Series age, there’s no such thing as Cubs overexposure.

At least not in the world of breakfast cereal.

Anthony Rizzo got ahead of the game last April, when he introduced his RizzO’s cereal. I picked up a couple boxes at the time, one to try, one to keep (which is apparently a thing people who collect things do) during my weekly trip to my Jewel. (They were 2 for $6 at the time, give me a break.)

I don’t go to my beloved Jewel anymore (Peapod, FTW) but I made a special trip on Monday in order to get some more Cubs cereal — Rizzo’s special edition box, plus David Ross’ Grandpa Rossy Crunch and Ben Zobrist’s Zorilla Crunch — for an important taste test.