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Wrigley Field Bleachers Reopen, Fan Wipes Butt with Mets Hat (Video)

We keeps it classy up in hurr.

When the Cubs released the news that the famed Wrigley Field bleachers would finally be open for business on May 11th, they specifically touted improved facilities. It was obvious from Monday night’s festivities that that meant beer would still be readily available, though it appears the bathrooms may still be an issue. Or maybe they just ran out of toilet paper.

As we all know, necessity is the father of ingenuity and cleanliness is next to godliness. And since Wrigley is a baseball cathedral and the Mets are the personification of evil, at least to some, I suppose you could argue that the young lady in the Lester jersey was simply exercising some bastardized form of purification with the hat Dexter Fowler tossed back into the crowd.