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Winter is Coming to Wrigley Field April 23 as Cubs Host Game of Thrones Day

Game of Thrones is about the only thing that might be as interesting as the Cubs for fans of both the epic show and North Side team this spring. And with GoT set to begin its final foray into Westeros on April 14, the marketing folks at HBO have put images of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, and that sort of important Iron Throne thingy on everything from Oreos to Bud Light.

You can count baseball among the various corporations shilling for the series, too. While various teams have run with the Game of Thrones theme in previous years (I have my very own Scott Kingery “Night King” bobblehead from the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs last spring), MLB has partnered with HBO to really promote the heck out of the final season, with every team having their own Game of Thrones Day.