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Whither TV Money?

Related Topics: Regional sports network

There’s been a growing discontent over the fact that about half the teams in MLB may be affected by their regional sports networks crapping out financially. Even the Sonny Gray deal by the Cardinals, who should be a financially well-off historic franchise, is heavily backloaded, while the Padres are not-so-discretely signaling that they’re going to dump salary, among the other moves (or lack thereof) that have transpired so far this offseason.

I personally am still trying to determine whether I want to keep my services such as Netflix, (HBO) Max, and the like, and the main reason we haven’t canceled Disney+ yet is because my wife forgot and now we’re locked in for another year (dying laughing), but it’s kind of funny how at least one consumer (points thumbs at this guy) is considering cutting the cord after having already cut the cord.