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Today is National Bobblehead Day. Let’s celebrate this humble piece of memorabilia.

January 7 might seem like an ordinary Monday to you, but it’s National Bobblehead Day, a day established by the soon-to-open National Bobblehead Museum. More on the museum later.

The unpretentious little bobblehead is an enjoyable piece of memorabilia, often one of the most popular team giveaways. That was proven last summer when a Javier Baez bobblehead jammed entryways all around Wrigley Field:

Al Yellon

Years ago, though, bobbleheads weren’t as elaborate as they are now; none had detail like the Willson Contreras bobblehead given away last year at Wrigley, which had a removable mask and accurately-detailed Venezuelan flag sleeve (photo 11 in the gallery above).