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The Rundown: Schwarber’s Dirty Diaper, Bryant on Playing with Harper Again, Pinch Me

Related Topics: Kyle Schwarber, Diaper, Chicago Cubs

It was evident after continued struggles that something with Kyle Schwarber needed to change. And though many had already been talking about how he’d soiled his trousers in a metaphorical sense, Joe Maddon done went and ratcheted things up a bit prior to Monday’s win.

“When it’s your baby, you react to that child much differently,” Maddon told Carrie Muskat and other members of the media. “You have to clean the dirty diaper. There’s an entire difference between me holding your baby or me holding my own. Me hitting him seventh was my baby, and they’re not going to feel what I felt during the course of the game, but man, did I screw that up.