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The Rundown: New Hope as NPB Schedules Practice Games, Heyward Donates $200K To COVID-19 Aid, Update On a CI Reader

When I wake up in the morning and it’s still dark outside, and before I have turned on my television to see what’s happening in the world, everything seems normal. I fire up my laptop and start thinking about what I can use as the foundation for my daily Cubs Insider post and I am still filled with the promise of the coming baseball season.

But as soon as I start surfing the web for content, I get slapped back to reality. I’m sure all of you feel the same way. We’ve watched movies like Contagion and Outbreak that deal with pandemics, we’ve read articles about how pathogens could become global catastrophes, and there have been countless fiction and non-fiction novels written on the subject, including The Stand by Stephen King.