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The Rundown: Manfred Interested in Expanding Playoffs, Large Contingent of Early Arrivals at Cubs Camp, Morrow Expects to Make Team

“Man may be fairly styled an animal of the class ‘gullible.’ From the hour of his birth till the day of his death, never does the organ of credulity cease to bump out his cerebrum. It is a common saying among [horse racing enthusiasts], that there ‘is a flat born every minute,’ No dictum can be based on better grounds.” – Fraser’s Magazine for Town & Country, 1839.

It turns out Rob Manfred has more gimmicks than both P.T. Barnum and Vince McMahon combined. In his continuing efforts to make baseball more appealing to a younger generation, he often misses the obvious solution in favor of new rules and ideas that seem to be sucking the joy out of baseball.