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The Cubs are opening a team Hall of Fame at Wrigley Field

For many years, ever since the renovation and restoration of Wrigley Field was announced, I had hoped the Cubs would open a Hall of Fame at the ballpark.

I am pleased to tell you that this is happening. Thursday evening, the Cubs are hosting an event, which season-ticket holders will be able to attend, premiering a documentary film called “Saving Wrigley Field” that will be shown on the video board at 6 p.m.

Prior to that, STH will have a chance to walk through a new Cubs Hall of Fame at the ballyard. This is all part of a Wrigley Field Rededication event, in which the Cubs will unveil two new plaques under the Wrigley Field Marquee — a plaque to commemorate Wrigley Field’s official designation as a National Historic Landmark and a plaque to commemorate the Ricketts family’s commitment to preserving Wrigley Field.