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Seiya is the DH, but Raino Brings the Lumber

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Raino Coran slugged a two-run HR in the 1st inning, doubled in the 4th, and singled and scored in the 6th, Ismael Mena smacked a two-run triple and scored a run in the 6th, and SP Daniel Palencia hurled three innings of shutout ball, leading the EXST Cubs Blue Squad to a 7-5 victory over the EXST Cubs Red Squad, in Extended Spring Training intrasquad game action Tuesday morning on Field #6 at the Riverview Baseball Complex in Mesa, AZ.

Seiya Suzuki served as a DH and batted four times (once in each of the first four innings), and he went 0-4 (6-3, L-7, F-9, F-8).