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Pondering Pitching

To preface this, and for those of you who listened to the latest Dreamcast, we sort of remarked on it too:

Who's to blame for the #Cubs' struggles?

Watch full segment on @BernsyHolmes:

Now it’s easy to blame David Ross for a lot, but I imagine a lot of the directives to use guys in certain spots of the lineup probably aren’t his decision, although he does use substitutions (pinch-hitting, pitching changes) sometimes mysteriously. To his credit, and to the credit of the puppeteers holding his strings, Ross hasn’t let Nick Madrigal lead off as much, and Eric Hosmer, he of the Gold Gloves, hasn’t been allowed to play first base now that Matt Mervis is up (and looking good on defense too, given the fear that he’d be a statue there), so I think he’s learning.