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Kerry Wood's 20-strikeout game is the greatest pitching performance ever

The 1998 Cubs season was special in so many ways.

Obviously the historic Sammy Sosa-Mark McGwire home run chase was a huge part of that, but the team's foray into the playoffs also gave Cubs fans a lot to cheer about.

And then, of course, there was also the greatest pitching performance in the history of the game.

Sunday marks the 20th anniversary of Kerry Wood's 20-strikeout game, which he watched in our NBC Sports Chicago studio recently - the first time he ever saw the game broadcast from start to finish.

It wasn't a perfect game or no-hitter, though it probably should've been at least the latter - there are plenty of Kevin Orie Truthers out there who think the then-Cubs third basemean should've been charged with an error on the lone hit by Ricky Gutierrez.