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If Cubs’ David Ross conquers these 5 challenges, he’ll manage just fine

First, there is this:

Death to “Grandpa Rossy.”

Not the man, of course, but the nickname. Bury it forever. Shoot it into the sun. Dropkick it into the pits of hell. Just get rid of it.

Cubs president Theo Epstein wants the team to move on from the championship season of 2016, and his new manager’s old nickname is as good a place to start as any. It’s a tired relic, which David Ross certainly is not.

Grandpa? No. Greenhorn? Yes.

Ross, a first-time manager — first-time coach — at 42, is the youngest hired by the Cubs to the position since Jim Riggleman accepted the job a couple of weeks shy of his 42nd birthday after the 1994 season.