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Cubs Return to Wrigley Field for 10-Game Homestand with Phillies, Dodgers and Diamondbacks

Cubs 10-Game Homestand Begins Friday – Cubs Host Phillies (May 27-29), Dodgers (May 30-June 2) and Diamondbacks (June 3-5)

The homestand begins with the first Budweiser Bleacher Friday of the season, featuring a ‘90s Visor for up to the first 5,000 Budweiser Bleacher guests age 21-and-older. The DraftKings Fantasy Sports Zone will feature a King’s Burger and 20-ounce Budweiser pairing for just $12 while supplies last. Bud Fridays will feature unique Budweiser Bleacher giveaways throughout the 2016 season, including a “Save Ferris” T-shirt honoring the 30-year anniversary of the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” a Distressed Cubs Cap, Bud Fridays Tank Top, Cubs Fedora and Joe Maddon Sunglasses.