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Cubs Prospect Perspective: Ezequiel Pagan

Related Topics: Chicago Cubs, Leo Durocher

The Lemonade Stand meme. By whichever version, whether from Lucy in Peanuts to far more recent characters, the subject takes a stand, and requests someone explain why they’re wrong. Their opinion is probably rather smug, or they wouldn’t involve themselves in the Lemonade Stand meme. It’s classic passive/aggression, and that’s one of my better traits on some days. As it happens, I have a Lemonade Stand meme concept on today’s article subject.

Ezequiel Pagan, outfielder

Born July 8, 2000. Puerto Rico
Cubs Draft choice (13th Round in 2018) Pro Baseball HS and Academy, Cayey, Puerto Rico.

A few weeks back, I listened to the Cubs season opener in 1969.