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Cubs historical sleuthing: Milt Pappas edition

This photo was found on Facebook, and as is often the case, you might not think there are enough clues.

I’m here to tell you there are, and possibly down to the exact at-bat.

First, here’s the full photo:

Milt Pappas is unmistakable here — those sideburns were common in that era. (Thank heavens they aren’t anymore!)

So, let’s start narrowing this down. First, Pappas is wearing the Cubs’ beltless look. That began in 1972, so this is from either 1972 or 1973.

No. 15 is Ken Rudolph, who was a Cubs backup catcher from 1969-73, though he played in just 178 games in those five seasons, averaging only a little more than 35 games a year — and even fewer games caught, just 123, or about 25 per year.