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Chicago Cubs Lineup: Lester on Hill in Cards Finale, Almora Leads Off, Baez Batting Second

After a rain/snow/freeze out on Monday, a frustrating 5-3 loss on Tuesday, and yet another postponement on Wednesday, the Cubs will look to grab their first win against the Cardinals of 2018 in the impromptu series finale on Thursday. To that end, the Cubs will turn to Jon Lester to get the job done.

Lester’s last outing was an uninspiring one, giving up four runs on seven hits in five innings of work in the Cubs’ 13-5 victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates last Wednesday. A key for Lester in the early-going has been the BB:K ratio. In his first start against the Marlins, Lester walked three and struck out two, and against the Pirates last week he both walked and struck out three.