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Admit It Cubs Fans…You’re Spoiled

My brothers and I have had a friendly debate over the last off-season on the abilities and potential of one Albert Almora. Simply put…one brother is more bullish on Almora’s abilities than the other two. After watching Almora make a potentially game-saving catch against the Cards Tuesday night, I had an epiphany. The Cubs have never possessed a home grown centerfielder who was even cable of making that catch…ever! Perhaps my bearish thoughts on Almora (yes…I am one of the negative ones) are a bit overblown. Consider:

-Almora will turn just 24 next week

-Almora was a well above average center fielder using advanced metrics during his 42 game stint in the Majors last year

-Almora pinch ran, tagged up, and scored perhaps the biggest run in the history of the Chicago Cubs (Game 7…remember?