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19 for '19: How different will Joe Maddon be in 2019?

We're running down the top 19 questions surrounding the Cubs heading into Opening Day 2019.

Next up: How different will Joe Maddon be in 2019?

As you might've heard a time or two, Joe Maddon is in the final year of his contract with the Cubs.

You also might've heard Maddon is expected to change his style a bit in 2019, but how much change are we talkin' here?

The answer: Fans probably won't notice any difference.

Most of the change from Maddon will be behind the scenes. He spent more time than usual coaching the coaches in spring training, but don't expect to see him huddling up with Mark Loretta, Brian Butterfield and the rest of the staff on the Wrigley Field infield before batting practice every day.