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Kawakami: Here's why we have a paywall — no pop-up ads, no click-bait, just the stories we hope you want

Related Topics: Mark Zuckerberg

If Mark Zuckerberg — or, actually, the next Zuckerberg — was inspired to create a platform for lively, well-reported sportswriting, do you think he'd copy any structural thing that newspapers have done for the last 30 years?

No, probably not.

If we could go back 20 years and ask Steve Jobs to dream up a plan that would increase the lifespan of great journalism, do you think he'd come up with stories laced with pop-up ads, auto-play videos and click-bait headlines?


If YouTube's Susan Wojcicki decided to help create a new journalism industry, would she want to replicate all the harried committee meetings, false starts, new proclamations, stalled strategies and outdated department reports?