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Derrick Rose's documentary is going to have us all up in our feelings

Related Topics: Derrick Rose, West Side, Chicago

You're going to want to free up your calendar for April 11, 2019.

That's when Pooh: The Derrick Rose Story will air, and it looks just about as good as you could imagine.

Proud to share the story you don't know.
Pooh: The Derrick Rose Story coming 4.11.19 @watchstadium— Derrick Rose (@drose) January 30, 2019

The documentary, which will air on, chronicles Rose's incredible and unlikely journey. From basketball legend on the West Side of Chicago to a reclamation project in Minnesota, stops in between have included becoming the league's youngest MVP, the savior of his hometown Bulls' franchise, myriad knee injuries that could have and should have ended his career and an incomparable determination to fight his way back.