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Bulls veteran DeMar DeRozan remains a true believer in Patrick Williams

Charles Rex Arbogast/AP

While it’s become hard not to doubt Patrick Williams and his development, veteran Bulls forward DeMar DeRozan remains a believer.

The video made the usual offseason rounds.

Like a scene out of ‘’Rocky III,’’ Bulls veteran DeMar DeRozan brought forward Patrick Williams and second-year swingman Dalen Terry out to Los Angeles last month to try and instill the “eye of the tiger.’’

That meant 4 a.m. wake-up calls and 5 a.m. workouts with DeRozan and his trainer Jason Estrada — the first of three sessions each day.

“You get to learn from one of the best players in the NBA, that’s a no-brainer for me,’’ Williams said of the training, which was captured by the team’s in-house video crew.