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Bulls Talk Podcast: Tom Haberstroh on why Steph Curry is the new Michael Jordan; The Bulls long-term outlook

On this edition of the Bulls Talk podcast, NBC Sports national NBA insider Tom Haberstroh joins Kevin Anderson to discuss Steph Curry’s influence on the league, and the Bulls long-term outlook.

1:10 Curry’s impact on youth leagues

3:10 How Curry’s deep 3 is as influential on the league as Jordans dunking was

5:25 Why Curry is more influential on basketball than Lebron James

7:55 Danger of every team looking for their own version of Steph Curry

12:25 How a Curry 3 attempt is more efficient than a normal player dunk attempt

14:25 Why scoring has skyrocketed in the league this season

17:40 Will the league swing back to more defensive oriented in a few years?