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Game 1 of Stanley Cup averaged 5,547,000 viewers on NBC (The Associated Press)

STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final averaged 5,547,000 viewers and drew a 3.34 rating Wednesday night on NBC.

Chicago's 2-1 victory over Tampa Bay was most-watched Game 1 that did not require overtime in 18 years and NBC's second-most-watched Game 1 ever, the network said Thursday.

The audience peaked at 6,433,000 viewers from 10:30-10:45 p.m. EDT.

Chicago had a 28.0 metered market rating, its third-highest ever for a Blackhawks game on NBC, trailing only the Stanley Cup Final-ending Game 6 matchups in 2013 and 2010. Tampa drew a 17.9 rating.

  • NBC

A Cleveland fan will eat his 18-year-old Mark Price Bar if the Cavaliers win

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