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Chicago Blackhawks: 3 Ways To Snap Cold Streak

It’s no secret right now that the Chicago Blackhawks are in a bit of a funk. Since the calendar month began, the Blackhawks have compiled a 3-4-2 record while facing a bevy of playoff teams and contenders. The Blackhawks typically go through a March slump, but this one seems a little extra concerning.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at three ways Joel Quenneville‘s group can bust the slump, to finish out the regular season and head into the playoffs on a higher note.

chicago blackhawks
No. 3 – Give Christian Ehrhoff a Longer Look

To the chagrin of many Blackhawks’ fans, GM Stan Bowman opted not to place his chips on grabbing a defensemen at the trade deadline and instead doubled down on the ‘Hawks’ offense.