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Andrew Desjardins struggling to justify roster spot on Blackhawks

In Andrew Desjardins’ first game of the season back on Nov. 11 against the Capitals, the Blackhawks got outshot, 9-5, during 5-on-5 play, which was good for a 35.7 percent Corsi. At the time, it was one bad game for the veteran, coming off several weeks on the mend due to a foot injury suffered in the preseason.

But now it’s been 10 games, and things haven’t really gotten any better. When Desjardins is on the ice during 5-on-5 play, the Blackhawks have a Corsi of 40.2 percent. Nobody on the team — not even rookies Gustav Forsling and Tyler Motte (both around 45 percent) — comes close to that.