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Bears’ top players accept possibility of Justin Fields’ exit: ‘The NFL is unfair — that’s just what it is’

Related Topics: Justin Fields


Fields’ future is in question after another underwhelming season as the Bears hold the No. 1 pick in the draft.

LAS VEGAS — Two of the Bears’ top offensive players have led the campaign for them to keep quarterback Justin Fields rather than draft his replacement with the No. 1 pick, and while they’re still making that push, they’ve begun to accept that it might not happen.

As the hype for consensus top prospect Caleb Williams from USC surges, they must prepare for that possibility as well.

“I advocated for [Fields] and to see it come through would be amazing, but if it doesn’t, I’ll still be happy,” Moore, who was in town for Super Bowl week to promote Mountain Dew, told the Sun-Times on Thursday.