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Bears OLB Khalil Mack remains mum in public as Chargers loom

Cornerback Prince Amukamara was listing the Bears’ defensive leaders this week when he said something most people didn’t know about their best player, outside linebacker Khalil Mack.

“We have guys who know when to be vocal — like Mack,” he said.

Say what? Mack is notoriously tight-lipped in public. He’s done a single one-on-one interview — for “Monday Night Football” — since he joined the Bears almost 14 months ago.

“One thing I will say about Mack as a leader is that he’s not just a rah-rah guy and doesn’t waste his words,” Amukamara said. “So his words mean a lot when he speaks and he does it by action all the time so when he speaks, guys’ ears are open and guys are more attentive.