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2020 NFL Draft: Which prospects have the Bears met with?

Related Topics: Chicago Bears, Google Drive

We’ve spotlighted a few of the prospects the Chicago Bears have met with since the college season ended, but with the pandemic throwing off the regular plans for meetings, pro days, top 30 visits, and secret rendezvous, teams have turned to video conferencing to have most of their player contact.

Teams did talk face to face with players at the NFL Combine and the postseason college all-star games, but it’s no where near the amount of interaction we’re used to seeing at this point.

Joe Tidei, @JoeyProspects on Twitter, and one of the hosts of the Chicago Bulls themed 3 Alphas Podcast, has been compiling a list of all the prospect the Bears have met with in a Google Document, but I wanted to share a couple of the “name” players at each position here with you guys.