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10 Most Important Bears of 2023: #9 Cody Whitehair

Yesterday I picked the most veteran member of the Chicago Bears defense as my tenth most important Bear for the 2023 season, so it's only fitting that I follow that up with the elder statesman of the offense at number nine; starting center Cody Whitehair.

Last year's starting center, Sam Mustipher, was allowed to leave in free agency, and he's now in line to be a reserve interior lineman for the Ravens. The man signed to be the starting center in 2022, Lucas Patrick, battled through injuries last year before landing on season-ending injured reserve. There were plenty of rumors that the team was looking to bring in a new center this offseason to compete with Patrick, but after the Bears signed free agent guard Nate Davis to play in tandem with up-and-coming guard Teven Jenkins, buzz started about Cody going back to the position he made a Pro Bowl at in 2018.