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UEFA has filed a legal motion to REMOVE a judge who ruled against the football body and supported Barcelona, Juventus and Real Madrid's right to form a European Super League

UEFA is seeking to remove a judge who has presided over legal action brought against it by the European Super League rebels, Barcelona, Real Madrid and Juventus.

In an extraordinary move, the European football governing body has claimed there have been 'irregularities' in how the case has been handled.

And the body now wants the judge to 'stand aside'. If successful, the move could eventually lead to disciplinary action restarting against the rebel clubs after it was abandoned on Monday night.

Real Madrid won the Champions League in 2018 but UEFA's action could have led to a ban

'UEFA has filed a motion for the recusal of the judge presiding over the current proceedings as it believes there are significant irregularities in these proceedings,' European football's governing body said in a statement.