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Real Madrid left with just 12 fit senior outfield players for Getafe match as Fede Valverde goes into isolation after coming into contact with a Covid-19 carrier

Real Madrid will be without Fede Valverde for their match with Getafe after the midfielder came into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

That leaves Zinedine Zidane with just three fit midfielders for the match, and 12 senior outfit players as a combination of injuries, suspensions and COVID-19 has stretched the Madrid squad to the limit.

Valverde has tested negative himself, but will be unavailable due to being in quarantine and joins Sergio Ramos, Raphael Varane, Lucas Vasquez, Eden Hazard, Dani Carvajal, Ferland Mendy, Casemiro and Nacho Fernandez on the sidelines ahead of the Getafe clash.