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Premier League will not investigate absurd John Terry spectacle after Chelsea and Sunderland colluded for pre-planned guard of honour send-off

The Premier League will not investigate the absurd spectacle on Sunday when Sunderland, Chelsea and John Terry colluded to let the departing Blues captain be substituted after 26 minutes — the same number he wears on his shirt.

The idea is believed to have come from Terry and both managers agreed to the farce.

Sunderland goalkeeper Jordan Pickford kicked the ball out in the 26th minute after being reminded to do so by a Chelsea player.

John Terry received a guard of honour as he was substituted in the 26th minute of the game
John Terry received a guard of honour as he was substituted in the 26th minute of the game
Gary Cahill came on u00a0and was given the captain's armband in Terry's last home game
Gary Cahill came on and was given the captain's armband in Terry's last home game

It took Terry two minutes to leave the field as his team-mates gave him a guard of honour, which meant he did not go off until the 28th minute.