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'Increase their sanctions for that!': Football fans pour scorn on Chelsea's 'cauliflower wings' dish sold to fans at Stamford Bridge... with five pieces and four celery slices priced up at £7.95

Football fans have ridiculed Chelsea's 'cauliflower wings' dish which has been sold to fans at Stamford Bridge.

A supporter took a photo of the disappointing meal which has been shared on popular Twitter account @FootyScran.

The picture shows a box with just five pieces of cauliflower wings with four celery slices which is priced up at a whopping £7.95.

Football fans have hit out at Chelsea's 'cauliflower wings' dish sold to fans at Stamford Bridge

Those who reacted to the picture, were shocked at the price the person had to pay at Chelsea's ground.

One Twitter user described it as a 'bigger robbery' than Thierry Henry's handball for France which cost the Republic of Ireland a place at the 2010 World Cup.