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How tough talking Thomas Tuchel made up with snubbed Callum Hudson-Odoi: Boss explained decision to substitute youngster after just 31 minutes in front of the ENTIRE Chelsea squad to put star's mind at ease

Thomas Tuchel’s team meeting on Sunday morning following the furore created by the substitution of Callum Hudson-Odoi after just 31 minutes made quite an impression on first-team players.

Manager and players are still working each other out just over a month into his reign but, on balance, most players seem appreciative of his directness in addressing the situation and dealing with it in front of the squad.

Tuchel has said he felt it needed to be done as a group, because Hudson-Odoi had been publicly criticised by the manager.

Thomas Tuchel explained to squad why Callum Hudson-Odoi was taken off at Southampton
Tuchel admitted that it was a 'bit harsh' to withdraw the winger after 31 minutes on the pitch

Certainly Hudson-Odoi is said to have been grateful that the manager had sorted the situation and that it put his mind at rest.