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Chelsea hit by new fans shame as 'Nazi' banner appears on Hungary trip

Chelsea’s week of shame was compounded on Saturday evening when an image emerged that suggested travelling fans held up a flag that featured a Nazi symbol during their trip to Budapest.

Chelsea had already publicly condemned their supporters and urged the club’s fans to ‘summon brainpower’ after they sang an alleged anti-Semitic chant that disparagingly referred to Tottenham followers as ‘Yids’ this week.

Now an image has appeared on social media of fans holding up a Chelsea Headhunters flag that included the SS death’s head insignia outside a bar in Budapest.

Chelsea's week of shame has been compounded with surfaced images of a 'Nazi' banner

The Chelsea Headhunters are a hooligan firm who were problematic for the club particularly in the 1970’s and 1980’s and had relations with far-right political groups in the UK.